There are many options available with DIY Honeycomb blinds online however to prevent confusion, let's break them down into 4 broad sections:
Corded • Cordloop • Cordless
Corded is like the pull cord system on a traditional venetian blind. You pull on the cord and the bottom of the blind lifts. Move the cord towards the centre and it simply locks the blind into position. The benefit of a Corded mechanism is that it requires only 34mm of reveal space which makes it handy for windows that drop to the floor level as the cords are conveniently positioned to raise or lower the blind.
Cordloop is like the chain on a roller blind but it isn’t a chain, it's a cord. As the name suggests it forms a continuous loop that controls the lift and the drop of the blind just like a roller blind ... pretty simple! The benefit of Cordloop mechanism is that it is available in widths of up to 3000mm (all other options are 2500mm) and like corded, it is excellent for windows that reach the floor as the cord is conveniently positioned to raise or lower the blind.
Cordless is a little piece of magic that manages the blind. Move the bottom rail into the position you want, and the blind will remain in that position. With no cords or strings it is ultra-safe around children and pets. The benefit of a Cordless mechanism is that you do not have cords interfering with the look of the blind, leaving a clean look and feel to your window furnishing.
Bottom Up • Top Down Bottom Up • Day/Night • Smartfit • Skylight

Bottom up means the blind lifts from the bottom up to reveal the window. Our most popular option for its simplicity is what most traditional blinds do!
Top Down Bottom Up (also known as Dual View) is a very clever option. For those that want to have the sun streaming in from the top of the window but still have blind at the bottom of the window, this is the blind for you. You can lift the blind up completely, lower the blind completely or any variation in-between those two points. Effectively you could have a stack of Honeycomb sitting in the middle of your window!
Day/Night is the cleverest … two different fabrics in the one blind! A middle rail separates the two different fabrics. Lift the centre rail up to expose the light filter or sheer fabric options, or lower the centre rail to reveal the block out fabric. Lift the bottom rail all the way up to expose the full window. A very versatile and practical blind for those that want to control the sun during the day however still have light and vision and block-out at night for privacy.
Smartfit is best described as the perfect blind for windows on the move. Mounted to the window with two pieces of vertical cords on each side of the blind, the blind moves up and down on the cords. Ideal for French doors, caravans and boats as the blind does not move around due to being secured at the top and the bottom.
Skylight blinds are simply … blinds for skylights. Similar to the Smartfit, it has cords on either side that are mounted at the skylight or ceiling. The fabric slides on the cords holding them up in a horizontal position. You need to see it to believe it.
Cell Sizes:
25mm Single Cell • 45mm Single Cell • 45mm Double Cell
All Honeycomb blinds offer excellent insulation benefits from heat/cold and noise. A double cell will provide marginally greater insulation benefits over the single cell however, the look must also be considered when reviewing the cell options. To best describe the look of the cells, imagine taking a piece of paper and folding it in a zigzag pattern. The closer the folds the closer the zigzag pattern on the sheet of paper. A 25mm single cell and 45mm double cell Honeycomb have a closer zigzag pattern to the 45mm single cell. It is recommended to order many different colours samples in which our Samples Team will provide you with the different cell options.
25mm single cell has many folds therefore a closer zigzag pattern. The 25mm single cell offers insulation benefits and often works well with windows that have smaller reveals or window furnishings such as locks and handles that reduce the reveal depth.
45mm single cell has fewer folds therefore a wider zigzag pattern.
45mm double cell has many folds (zigzag pattern) like the 25mm single cell. It has two cells, one behind the other, which offers excellent insulation benefits.
Material Transparency:
Blockout • Light Filter • Sheer
Blockout as the name implies blocks the light using foil lining within the cell. The material blocks out the outside light regardless of the colour due to the foil lining within the cell. It is important to note that Honeycomb offers the very best light block option as the material runs in-line with the headboard so the light gap between the reveal and the blind.
Light filter is often best described as holding a bedsheet up to the window. The fabric will glow with outside light however, it is relatively private. If the lights are on inside and it is dark outside, only vague shadows will be visible from outside as occupants walk past a window with light filter fabric.
Sheer fabric is best described, in the cruddiest of fashions, like flyscreen. It will block out UV light and provide a shade within the home however you can clearly see through the blind fabric. A little trick to consider is that the lighter the fabric the harder to see through the sheer fabric. A black sheer is far easier to see through than a white sheer.
So, as a guide to assist you in selecting the right blinds for your home, answer these questions below!
Do I want cords or no cords?
How will I be using the blind? Do I want to use it as a standard bottom up? or do I want to open the top and leave the bottom down? or do I want a sheer screen during the day and block out at night?
What size cell will suit my look, window reveal and insulation level required?
And finally, do I want maximum light block and privacy, or do I want a glow of light with some privacy or just shade with a view?
Like some assistance? Give our team at Veneta a call on 1800 836 382 or if you’re ready to build your blind and add measurements, simply shop now.